On March 31st, GBKH filed a lawsuit in Austin, Texas, against the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) related the organization’s improper shifting of hundreds of millions of dollars in hurricane-related losses onto the backs of the state’s coastal residents. The lawsuit is filed on behalf of Ramiro “Gamby” Gamboa, a Corpus Christi-area homeowner whose property is covered by TWIA, the insurer of last resort for thousands of Texans living on the Gulf Coast. Texas law required TWIA to assess its insurance-company members in order to pay for $600 million in losses suffered when Hurricane Ike struck the state in 2008. TWIA failed to comply with that law, and coastal residents are threatened with costly policy surcharges as a result. GBKH’s legal action has been covered by the Corpus Christi Caller-Times, the San Antonio Express-News, KRIS-TV, theAustin American-Statesman, and other news outlets. For more information, see Ramiro “Gamby” Gamboa v. Texas Windstorm Insurance Association, et al., Case No. D-1-GN-14-000946, 53rdDistrict Court, Travis County, Texas.