GBKH partners Mark Kincaid and Suzette Selden worked with Guy Choate of the San Angelo-based law firm Webb, Stokes & Sparks in settling a significant legal action on behalf of Stephanie Lanford. Ms. Lanford had filed suit against the insurance company that issued her husband’s policy after misrepresentations were made by its agents. The insurance company initially removed the case to a federal court, but Ms. Lanford’s legal team succeeded in having it remanded back to state court. The insurer then won a motion for an emergency stay before an appellate court, only to see the attempt denied by the Texas Supreme Court. Ms. Lanford’s legal team succeeded in reaching a confidential settlement with the insurance company two weeks before trial, after more than three years of delay tactics on the part of the defendant. For more information, see Stephanie Lanford v. Banner Life Ins. Co., Paul Aidala, & Rebecca Aidala, Case No. B110346-C, 119th District Court, Tom Green County, Texas.