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News and Events

Doug Brothers Offers Advice on Managing Business Litigation

Texas Lawyer’s “In-House Texas: Special Report on Litigation” featured an article by GBKH attorney Doug Brothers. In the article, “3 Essentials for Successfully Managing Business Litigation,” Doug offers step-by-step guidance for successfully resolving disputes by keeping the focus on the business solution… read more


Austin Court of Appeals Upholds Dismissal of $100 Million Bond Validation Suit

In a victory for the San Antonio Water System (SAWS), GBKH succeeded in obtaining an order from the Austin Court of Appeals upholding a lower court’s dismissal of a $100 million bond validation suit brought by the Guadalupe Blanco River Authority (GBRA). The suit sought approval of a bond issue under the Texas Expedited Declaratory Judgment Act, but the broader relief sought by GBRA would have curtailed SAWS’s water rights. The Court of Appeals held that the relief sought by GBRA exceeded the scope of the statute. GBKH partners Doug Brothers and Gary Lewis led the firm’s efforts, and the matter has been covered by The San Antonio Express-News. … read more


GBKH Lawyer Presents Paper on Regulatory Takings

On August 21st, GBKH lawyer Julie Ford presented “Regulatory Takings: The Fundamentals and Recent Application in Texas” at the 9th Annual Advanced Texas Administrative Law Seminar in Austin. The paper provides background information essential to an understanding of the state and federal law surrounding the public appropriation of private property, and it examines recent litigation that touches on the issue…. read more


Media Looks to GBKH on Litigation Surrounding Controversial Texas Abortion Bill

On August 22nd, The Austin Chronicle quoted GBKH Partner Russ Horton in a story on Whole Woman’s Health v. Lakey, a federal lawsuit challenging House Bill 2, the controversial abortion bill passed last year by the Texas Legislature. Though they initially denied any relationship, theChronicle reported that several of the expert witnesses testifying on behalf of the State of Texas prepared their testimony with the help of Vincent Rue… read more


Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Upholds GBKH Client’s First Amendment Rights

On July 14th, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit found in favor of the Texas Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV), which was represented by GBKH in a high-profile dispute over specialty license plates featuring an image of the Confederate battle flag. The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles had denied the SCV’s application for the license plate after a public outcry over its controversial design, and a trial court upheld the agency’s decision. The Court of Appeals reversed that ruling, finding that the state had violated the SCV’s right to free speech under the First Amendment…. read more


GBKH Successfully Contests Lawsuit over Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority Bonds

On June 9, 2014, a Travis County court dismissed a lawsuit that the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority filed to validate $100 million in bonds it proposed to issue in connection with a controversial water project. GBKH partners Jim George, Doug Brothers, and Gary Lewis appeared on behalf of the San Antonio Water System (SAWS) and maintained that the river authority was not authorized by law to sell the bonds. … read more


GBKH Settles Claim against Largest Electric Power Holding Company in U.S.

GBKH partners Doug Brothers, Russ Horton, and Gary Lewis, together with the firms of Diamond McCarthy, LLP, and Martinec, Winn, Vickers & McElroy, represented Dan Bensimon, Litigation trustee, in the Crescent Resources bankruptcy. The Trust was formed as a vehicle to collect funds for the creditors of the Crescent Resources bankruptcy estates. On the Trustee’s behalf, the firms pursued a $1.2 billion fraudulent-transfer claim against Duke Energy, the largest electric power holding company in the United States. The Trust’s claim against Duke was settled for a confidential amount shortly before trial was scheduled to begin. … read more


GBKH Settles Case with Insurer that Disavowed Agents’ Misconduct

GBKH partners Mark Kincaid and Suzette Selden worked with Guy Choate of the San Angelo-based law firm Webb, Stokes & Sparks in settling a significant legal action on behalf of Stephanie Lanford. Ms. Lanford had filed suit against the insurance company that issued her husband’s policy after misrepresentations were made by its agents. The insurance company initially removed the case to a federal court, but Ms. Lanford’s legal team succeeded in having it remanded back to state court…. read more


GBKH Sues Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) over $600 Million in Hurricane Ike Losses

On March 31st, GBKH filed a lawsuit in Austin, Texas, against the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) related the organization’s improper shifting of hundreds of millions of dollars in hurricane-related losses onto the backs of the state’s coastal residents. The lawsuit is filed on behalf of Ramiro “Gamby” Gamboa, a Corpus Christi-area homeowner whose property is covered by TWIA, the insurer of last resort for thousands of Texans living on the Gulf Coast. … read more


GBKH Partner Doug Brothers Inducted into the American College of Trial Lawyers

GBKH is proud to announce that Partner D. Douglas “Doug” Brothers has been inducted as a fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers, one of the premier legal associations in the nation. Extended only after careful investigation, fellowship in the College is reserved for experienced trial lawyers who have mastered the art of advocacy and whose professional careers have been marked by the highest standards of ethical conduct, professionalism, civility and collegiality…. read more


George Brothers Kincaid & Horton LLP

George Brothers Kincaid & Horton LLP 114 West 7th Street, Suite 625 | Austin, Texas 78768 | Austin Law Office Map

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