Commercial and Business Litigation
The law firm of George Brothers Kincaid & Horton LLP is a dynamic, boutique commercial and business litigation firm in Austin, Texas. Our size keeps us agile and efficient. A senior lawyer takes a hands-on approach with every case we accept. Our reputation for strategic legal representation is backed by decades of experience, focused on solving legal problems for our valued clients.We represent individuals, businesses of all sizes, nonprofits and others facing complex, high-stakes litigation. GBKH has substantial experience in many aspects of goal-oriented business and commercial litigation, including:
- Securities litigation — Churning, conflicts of interest, fraud, market manipulation, omissions of material facts, and risky investments are among the many sources of harm to investors. We rigorously pursue recovery for victims of securities transaction misconduct.
- Financial fraud litigation — Misrepresentations, Ponzi schemes, and deceptive inducements to enter into an agreement cause significant financial harm. Litigating these claims requires an experienced attorney who has comprehensive knowledge of the laws governing civil fraud causes of action.
- Fiduciary litigation — A fiduciary is held to a high standard of care. A breach of fiduciary trust does not necessarily require evidence of fraud. Our lawyers represent businesses, partners, corporate officers, trustees, and other individuals and entities embroiled in complex fiduciary disputes.
- Construction litigation — Construction defects, contract disputes, and engineering or architectural errors are common problems addressed in residential and commercial construction disputes. Our knowledge of the industry and experience in solving problems are clear strengths of GBKH.
- Real estate litigation — Real estate transactions are high-stakes endeavors. We are tenacious in guarding the rights of clients in real estate litigation.
- Oil and gas litigation — Fees and royalties related to oil and gas rights are common areas of dispute in Texas. Our industry knowledge and experience in dispute resolution are valuable assets in oil and gas law disputes.
Austin, Texas, Commercial And Business Litigation | George Brothers Kincaid & Horton LLP
We prefer compensation agreements in many cases that align our interest with those of our clients. Call (512) 495-1400 or send an online message to learn how we can help you.