(512) 495-1400

Trade Secret Litigation

Mid- and high-level managers are highly mobile in today’s business world. The demand for experienced professionals in high-tech industries remains competitive. The success of a company is often closely linked to how well intellectual property and trade secrets are protected. With the high mobility among individuals with access to the trade secrets of a company, the potential for disputes to quickly arise is prominent in today’s economy.

Trade secret litigation may often be associated with disputes involving confidentiality agreements or noncompete agreements. However, misappropriation of proprietary information is in itself a focused area of the law. Members of George Brothers Kincaid & Horton LLP in Austin, Texas, have substantial experience helping clients pursue or defend against trade secret litigation.

Backed by decades of litigation experience, our law firm is committed to providing strategic, results-orientated legal analysis and advocacy to protect the vital rights of our clients.

We represent businesses from large to small, Fortune 100 corporations, and individuals in complex intellectual property litigation, including high-stakes trade secret misappropriation cases. Our proficiency in all aspects of the discovery process, attention to detail in investigating a case, and diligence in case preparation are clear strengths of the firm.

Senior lawyers work hard on each case from the time a file is opened until we obtain the final outcome. Our law firm is designed to achieve the most favorable outcome with efficiency. Our seasoned attorneys are deeply familiar with the details of each case every step of the way. The interests and goals of our clients are our top priority.

Austin, Texas, Trade Secret Litigation | George Brothers Kincaid & Horton LLP

Contact GBKH online or call (512) 495-1400 to arrange a confidential consultation to discuss your trade secret dispute.

George Brothers Kincaid & Horton LLP

George Brothers Kincaid & Horton LLP 114 West 7th Street, Suite 625 | Austin, Texas 78768 | Austin Law Office Map

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